What’s the deal with Castile?

But your home smells so good? Let me tell you my secret.

(I mean…beside my homemade candles).

It’s a two ingredient dream team. Ready?

1. Hot Water 2. Castile Soap

Let me explain. I love to fill the bottom of my black farmhouse sink with hot water and add one capful of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap. (I love Almond, Peppermint and Eucalyptus). I use my stack of white rags (why white? because I clean and bleach them, repeat) and go through the house wiping everything down. Counters, cabinets, trim, coffee table and even the floor. I even use this to clean toilets, just a little squirt in the bowl- scrub and done.

A few tips: A little goes a long way.

When I move into the bathrooms, use the sink as your bucket and you end up cleaning the sink at the same time!

You can use Castile soap for so many more things!

I do use it for dish soap (when I am not using the above)- it’s 10 parts water to 1 part soap…or a splash in the sink will do. The best part- softest hands ever!

Body soap. Dog Wash. Laundry soap (1/2 cup to your laundry) - although, you know I love my IVORY laundry soap.

Castile soap is one natural product you’ll love in your home. It’s a repeat buy for me, and keeps your cabinets simple…because one product does SO much! The products above are my tried and trues. ENJOY!


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