My husbands friend, visited us from Texas last week and when he walked into the pantry he commented on how he loved “the minimal look.” Now, I truly don’t think of us an a “minimal’ family, but I guess when you’ve moved 5 times in 10 years you really learn to keep things simple. Also, I can’t stand clutter…it makes me crazy.

When we designed this pantry, we had a few things in mind: I wanted a place to store our small appliances (out of the kitchen), our Berkey water filter (we literally designed the shelving around it and have used Berkey for 10 years…we don’t live without it) and of course, functionality. Make sure you don’t forget outlets!

How to achieve the look: First, I don’t like things in their containers. All the colors and marketing are too much and overstimulating. Anything you can put into a clamp jar or mason jar is great. Recycle those boxes ASAP. I use a mix of jars and baskets for storage, just so everything flows but isn’t overly matchy-matchy.

Next, we have a second pantry. This is HUGE. We keep overstock and bulk items down in the laundry room tucked away for when they are needed. We only keep the items we are currently using or often use up in the main pantry. I love this approach because we still have a ton of food, but its not all displayed in one area. My kids love running downstairs to gather items, “Mom needs more spaghetti sauce, can you run and grab it?”

Lastly, I keep the counter space clean and I added a little rug. Its the coziest walk in pantry and I love going in to make my lattes!

Thanks for being here!


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